Revivez au travers de la carrière exceptionnelle de Guy Curval, l’histoire du Stock-car en France de 1953 à 1970.
Ancien champion de stock-cars, Guy Curval est l’un des grands pionniers de ce sport en France.
Dès 1953, il dispute sa première course à l’âge de 19 ans. C’est le début d’une carrière hors du commun couronnée de succès, tant en France qu’en Europe, qui s’achèverera 17 ans plus tard.
Journaliste spécialisé dans l’automobile, Philippe Berthonnet collabore régulièrement avec plusieurs magazines spécialisés dans la voiture de collection. Passionné et curieux, Philippe aime à faire partager ses découvertes par l’écriture. Il est l’auteur du livre Le Guide Fiat 500 paru chez ETAI
British Stock-Car Racing in the 1950s-1970s
Le British Stock-Car Racing retrace les débuts du stock car au Royaume-Uni.
Il est consacré aux pilotes de cette époque et nous raconte les anecdotes du passé.
De nombreuses photos et articles de presse à découvrir.
Le site consacre un article sur le livre de Guy Curval que je cite:
" A UNIQUE BOOK HAS BEEN PUBLISHED RECENTLY in France, by pioneer racer Guy Curval, on the history of stock-car racing in France 1953-1970. Guy Curval regularly raced in England, in Senior F1's and in Junior F2's, including several World Finals. Guy was a close buddy of Jock Lloyd, who often helped arrange Guy's trips. French stock-car racing never developed the oval-dedicated "specials" that appeared in the UK in the mid-sixties onwards. French cars were always large American and French saloons, and the tracks were mostly larger dirt ovals on temporary sites. Guy Curval last raced in 1969, and his medical advisors told him never to race again after years of injuries. Guy is still to be seen around the sport in France, and has a classically-restored stock-car in his garage. The book is a high quality hard-back, "coffee-table" size, over 140 pages, with scores of fascinating photos, including some of English tracks, and of Fred Mitchell's union-jack-wearing car on a French visit. It is expensive, and you have to read French. You can ask about it or buy it from a specialist car book shop in Paris: "PASSION AUTOMOBILE", and their e-mail address is passionautomobile@etai.fr "
A voir ici: www.oldstox.com/TheEarlyDays.htm
==> Update Novembre 2007
1. 09/12/2008
Bonjours je recherche des photo de mon grands pére pinault jean-claude qui a fait du stock car dans les années 60-75
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